LANCASTER, Pa. (WHTM) -- Dutch Wonderland may be all fun and games, but not even the castle could protect it from a roller coaster ride of a pandemic. Up, downs, highs, and lows - Dutch Wonderland has seen it all.
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“Over the off-season that was the worst of it. If we go back to December of last year, January, it was an adjustment to the level of business, so things were looking a lot different last year. People were much more hesitant to travel and to be anywhere outside of home actually,” Jeff Eisenberg, director of marketing at Dutch Wonderland, said.
A new report shows that COVID-19 is still taking a toll on the job market. Lancaster County was home to a quarter of million jobs before the pandemic. Now that story is different. The hospitality industry took a major hit, as the county still recovers from the 8, 000 jobs lost.
“For the tourism market in general it has been a slow but steady return to normalcy and if we compare Dutch Wonderland and our sister property the Cartoon Network Hotel if we compare this time of year to last year it is night and day,” Eisenberg said.
From manufacturing to health services to transportation – many industries suffered losses. As the end of 2021 nears, Eisenberg is optimistic about the future.
“We really do think things will trend in a positive direction along with everyone else in the traveling industry we’re supporting each other and keeping our fingers crossed,” Eisenberg added.
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